Regulations & Insights

Directive 087: Well Integrity Management

This directive contains testing, reporting, and repair requirements for isolation packers, surface
casing vent flows (SCVFs), gas migration, and casing failures.

Well Integrity And Abandonment Society

Well Integrity And Abandonment Society Mission Statement

The mission of the WIA Society is to be the foremost community of professionals dedicated to designing, maintaining and sustaining wellbore integrity. The...

Orphan Well Association

Funded primarily by industry, the OWA’s job is to close wells, facilities and pipelines that do not have a solvent and responsible owner to protect people and the environment, and remove the potential risk of unfunded liability. The OW...

Technology Roadmap to Improve Wellbore Intergrity

In summary, regulations need to be updated to the current needs of the industry to allow for efficient improvement of wellbore integrity. The updates to regulations should be validated by data gathered following the scientific proce...